[Entry 1] 2003 june,7:Im about 14 ,im her here to seek comfort i need to tell someone ,recently i've had someone or more like something stalking me i don't know really what it but it's not really human it's kind of tall with a dog like snout at least i think.please if you’ve seen anything like this tell me i'm begging.[-entry end]
[Entry 2, 2003 june 20 : i've been seeing it every night i still don't know what it is but it definitely not human. it seems it come at 11:00 exactly it just stands there looking at me i told my mom but she called me crazy and to stop messing with her but it's real i promise you please tell me that you believe me i'm begging[-entry end]
[Entry 3] July 7: it's still here, it's been getting closer. It was horrible , something from nightmares. The flesh covered its crooked body and I was right about the snout.it has very long front arms and it doesn't seem to blink.it disappeared like it did every night once I looked away. My mother is putting me in therapy. She told me it was for the better and that there was a screw loose that we can fix.[-entry end]
[Entry 4] 2003 July 30: I just got back from therapy nobody believes me the thing is getting closer. It's almost to my window.it started making noise like a mouse squeaking. again if you know anything, message me.[-entry end]
[Entry 5], August, 2 :it's really close. It was at my window last night . I don't know if I will survive pls listen to me.[-entry end]